Juniata Geosciences

Environmental and Hydrogeologic Consulting

Water Resource Exploration and Development

Juniata Geosciences has vast experience locating water supply wells for small municipalities, large municipalities, private communities, and industrial facility uses.  We've used fracture trace analysis and geophysical methods to identify the best drilling sites for the potable well and observation wells used during aquifer testing.

We have overseen many small (10 gpm) production wells to wells designed with over 20-inch screens and producing in excess of 3,000 gpm.  Each well needs to be designed properly in order to maximize its yield, protect it from collapse, and eliminate sediment from wearing out or destroying the pump.  We have designed wells in overburden, unconsolidated sands and gravels, tight bedrock, and karst bedrock settings.  Wells have been drilled with air-rotary, dual-rotary, cable tool, and hollow-stem auger rigs.

Once the wells are installed, Juniata Geosciences experience in designing, implementing, and analyzing aquifer testing kicks in.  The aquifer testing will ensure the well will sustain the necessary yield for its intended use as well as allow the necessary state and other regulatory permitting requirements to be met.


6872 Willow Brook Road ~ Alexandria, PA 16611 ~ 814.954.0199