Juniata Geosciences has a proven track record with PADEP and ICF/USTIF. We have managed and closed sites with the various remediation standards and regulations set forth in Chapters 245 and 250. These sites included Fixed Price USTIF bids as well as projects using Time and Materials costs.
Juniata Geosciences uses the most efficient approach to sites which have been impacted by a leaking underground storage tank. First, can the contamination be excavated? If so, it’s possible to excavate the soil and close the site without need for more elaborate (and more expensive) remedial measures. However, if groundwater is found to impacted and monitoring wells are necessary per PADEP regulations and the Clean Water Act, we will take a staged approach to characterize the site properly the first time. Monitoring wells will be installed to the correct depths, with proper screen intervals, and of sufficient diameter to obtain hydrogeologic characteristics. This eliminates much of the doubt about what exactly is going on with the groundwater beneath your site.
During this process, you will be kept informed of the progress and given the tools to understand the process. This enables you, the property owner, the ability to be part of the decision making process. You’re involvement is key to the success of the project.
If you have a site which has been impacted by a leaking underground storage tank, please contact us. We can provide our consulting review services or be contracted to get you through the regulatory process to obtain a Relief from Liability. Take advantage of our strong relationships with state regulators and private and public insurance funds to get your site closed in the most efficient manner possible.